"How To" use the Genealogy Web Site (Cont.)

How do I search for a person?

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After logging in with your user name you will be returned to the home page.  Enter the person's last name in the "Last Name" search field and the first name in the "First Name" search field.  When searching by a wife be sure you enter her surname.  You can also enter part of a name.  In the example below I am trying to find Nicholas Rausch but I only entered "Nic".  All names that are Rausch that begin with "Nic" will be displayed.  After entering the name fields click the "Search" button.

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A screen will display with all the names of people who match the information you entered into the "Last Name" and "First Name" search boxes on the Home page.  The table below will show the name of the person, the birth date or christened date, birth place, the ID number assigned to the person by this software, and the tree name.  All names in the web site are on the same Tree.

Let's assume we want to look at the individual information for Nicholas Rausch.  You will notice there are four individuals that have a first name of Nicholas.  You can identify the individual you are interested in by reviewing the information below.  Click on the hyperlink for the person you are interested in.  In this example I am interested in the Nicholas Rausch born in 1827.

If you can't decide which person you are looking for from this information you may need to begin clicking on each person one by one and look at the family information.

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The following screen will be displayed.  The fields on this screen are explained in the "What information is there and where do I find the information for each individual?" section.

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